Monday, December 10, 2012

Behind every webpage is ‘Private’ HTML

Having your own intellectual property out there for the world to see could be seen as an open invitation for some people to have a look at your code and make it their own.
Behind every good webpage is even better HTML. This HTML should be protected in more ways than one, but just how private is your HTML code when users are able to view the source code with just two clicks?
To view the code behind a web page you can simply right click anywhere on the web page and click on “view source”.

This then opens up a page which would look for some like a bunch of words, different colours and symbols on it. This all is the code used to display your website, give it that functionality and to make it look nice. For examples when on Google and then viewing its source code you will see that this has some high level encryption whereas any other site for like this blog shows all the html code.
Keeping everything that happens in the background private all depends on which programing languages you use and where you want the web page to be rendered for the user to see.
Some type of programing languages used to render a website is:
·         PHP
o   Server –side scripting language
·         HTML
o   Hypertext mark-up language
·         JavaScript
o   Scripting language implemented as part of a web browser
·         CSS
o   Cascading style sheets
·         ASP.NET
o   Web application framework

When deciding on where all the information should come from and what information you would like to give out you need to decide between two places for the processing to happen. The two options would be Server-side or Client-side processing:
Client-side Processing
The code required to process your website and give it all the functionality is sent to the person accessing the site and then their computer is used to compile the website for you.
Server-side Processing
The client’s computer sends information requesting something from the server and then the server processes the request and returns a runs the programs that process the information and returns the result on the user’s website.
When deciding on where to process your information it all depends on speed and how secure the information should be. Running server side will speed up the more complex processes but don’t overload your server. Using the different programing languages available also lets you hide some of the functionality behind your website from the user but still allows them to do what they need to.
Therefore the main concern any business and user should have is choosing which code to hide from the users using different programing languages and where to process information. No one wants to give away all their hard work for free.

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1 comment:

  1. No matter what web-language you use to render your front-end (ASP.NET, PHP, JavaScript, etc), it will always render to basic HTML; which acts as the scaffolding for the page. The JavaScript code is the behavioral logic and the code in CSS is the style definitions.

    As a rule of thumb and best practice, there should be absolutely no business logic in the 'source' of the pages.
