You want to be able to have peace of mind that the user’s experience with your web application will not be one of frustration and complaint when a javascript error not always visible to the user, halted the end result they were expecting. Which brings me to QUnit, QUnit is jQuery’s popular javascript unit testing framework used by the jQuery, jQueryUi and jQuery mobile projects and was originally developed by John Resig (Father of jQuery).
- Download qunit.js and qunit.css.
- Create html page and reference the above.
- Write your first unit test.
<meta charset="utf-8"
<title>QUnit example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet"
<div id="qunit"></div>
<div id="qunit-fixture"></div>
<script src=""></script>
test("Hello world example", function () {
var value = "hello
equal(value, "hello world!",
"Expected value: hello world!, but was: "
+ value);
QUnit allows for logical grouping of tests to organise and be able to run individual groups at a time:
module("Group 1");
test("Test 1", function () {
ok(true, "Pass..");
test("Test 2", function () {
ok(true, "Pass..");
module("Group 2");
test("Test 3", function () {
ok(true, "Pass..");
test("Test 4", function () {
ok(true, "Pass..");
QUnit also has the facility to filter and select groups or tests to run:
test.html?filter=group 1 - just the group 1 module test.html?filter=test 3 - just "test 3"
Use any .NET testing framework and continuous integration servers
Thanks to Robert Moore's Nuget Package we can accomplish just this (more...)
Install-Package NQUnit
Thanks for taking the time to read this post, happy unit testing!
Definitely going to utilize this. Nice post thanks!